[BlueLeaf1336]> PROBLEMS> NETBSD>

NETBSD - 迷宮地下5階



did itTOP

試すことがある。A/UXなど、NetBSDで読み取れるフォーマットを、MacOSからフォーマットし返すことができるか。 「MacOSからは見えない」というのはわかっている。 しかし、ドライブ設定でフォーマットできるなら、もし失敗してもどうにかなるといえよう。 というわけで、

0 > mac-boot

嫌な感じだ。ドライブ設定を見ても、どうも見えそうにない。 とはいえ、HDブートしたので、パーティション設定画面が開けない。CDでブートしなおし。

0 > mac-boot(直後に「c」押しっぱなし)


0 > boot hd:7,\ofwboot.xcf NETBS002.GZ
Terminal type? [vt100]で改行
Erase is backspace.
(I)nstall, (S)hell or (H)alt ?
>a: Install NetBSD to hard disk
 b: Upgrade NetBSD on a hard disk
 c: Re-install sets or install additional sets
 d: Reboot the computer
 e: Utility menu
 x: Exit Install System
もちろんインストール。a: Install NetBSD to hard disk
>a: No
 b: Yes
もちろん b: Yes
>a: ok
 b: Yes
a: ok しかない。
>a: Standard
 b: Standard with X
 c: Custom
 d: Use Existing

さあ来た。ここまで来た。昨日逃げ帰ったダンジョンの入り口にやってきた。 HD の再フォーマットを MacOS の CD からできることはわかった。 とするなら、b: Standard with X でいってみよう。

We now have your BSD-disklabel partitions as (Size and Offset in MB):

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
a: 32        0         31       4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /
b: 768       32        800      swap
c: 6149      0         6148     unused
g: 5348      801       6148     4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /usr

                        Partitions ok?

                       >a: Change partitions
                        b: Paritions are ok
/       32MB
swap    768MB
/usr    5348MB
って、/ ちっちゃ過ぎないか? どっかのホームページによると、/ が、/var や spool を受け持つことになるとあった。 もちろん分けてない場合に。で、今は分けてない。 ただ、/ は、ちっちゃい方がいいようなことも書いてあった。 それに、/usr が、最後までディスクを使い切っている。HFS+ も斬っておきたい。
a: 32        0         31       4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /
b: 768       32        800      swap
c: 6149      0         6148     unused
g: 4200      801       5000     4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /usr
h: 1148      5001      6148     4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       (HFS+)
にしよう。よって、a: Change partitions
>a: Megabytes
 b: Cylinders
 c: Sectors
a: Megabytes
a: Change a
b: Change b
c: Whole disk - can't change
d: Change d
e: Change e
f: Change f
g: Change g
h: Change h
i: Set new allocation size
x: Exit
まずは、g: Change g
You should set the file system (FS) kind first.  Then set the other values.

The current values for partitions g are:

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
g: 5348      801       6148     4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /usr

                        Change what?

                       >a: FS kind
                        b: Offset/size
                        c: Bsize/Fsize
                        d: Mount point
                        e: Preserve
                        x: Exit
さっき決めたように、サイズを、4200MB にする。よって、b: Offset/size
You should set the file system (FS) kind first.  Then set the other values.

The current values for partitions g are:

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
g: 5348      801       6148     4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /usr

Unless specified with 'M' (megabytes), 'c' (cylinders) or 's' sector at the end of
input, sizes and offsets are in MB.

Special values that can be entired for the offset value:
    -1:   start at the beggining of the NetBSD part of the disk
   a-p:   start at the end of partition X

offset: ■
パーティション g は、パーティション b (swap) の次だ。よって、b
offset: b

Special values that can be entired for the size value:
    -1:   use until the end of the NetBSD part of the disk
   a-p:   end this partition where partition X starts

size: ■
You should set the file system (FS) kind first.  Then set the other values.

The current values for partitions g are:

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
g: 4200      801       5000     4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /usr

                        Change what?

                        a: FS kind
                       >b: Offset/size
                        c: Bsize/Fsize
                        d: Mount point
                        e: Preserve
                        x: Exit
よろしい。とりあえず、g は終わり。よって、x
 a: Change a
 b: Change b
 c: Whole disk - can't change
 d: Change d
 e: Change e
 f: Change f
>g: Change g
 h: Change h
 i: Set new allocation size
 x: Exit
次は、h: Change h に、HFS+ を斬る。
You should set the file system (FS) kind first.  Then set the other values.

The current values for partitions h are:

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
h: 0         0         0        unused

                        Change what?

                       >a: FS kind
                        b: Offset/size
                        c: Bsize/Fsize
                        d: Mount point
                        e: Preserve
                        x: Exit
まず、ファイルシステムの種類を選ぶ。a: FS kind
Select the type

a: 4.2BSD
b: unused
c: swap
d: msdos
やはり、b: unused だろう。
You should set the file system (FS) kind first.  Then set the other values.

The current values for partitions g are:

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
h: 0         0         0        unused

                        Change what?

                       >a: FS kind
                        b: Offset/size
                        c: Bsize/Fsize
                        d: Mount point
                        e: Preserve
                        x: Exit
って、最初と同じだ。大丈夫だろうか。最初にファイルシステムを決めろ。 とかいてあるのに。 大丈夫だとして、次に進む。b: Offset/size
Special values that can be entired for the offset value:
    -1:   start at the beggining of the NetBSD part of the disk
   a-p:   start at the end of partition X

offset: ■
g のときとおんなじ。当たり前か。g の次なので、g にする。
offset: g

Special values that can be entired for the size value:
    -1:   use until the end of the NetBSD part of the disk
   a-p:   end this partition where partition X starts

size: ■
サイズは、ディスクの最後までなので、-1 だ。
You should set the file system (FS) kind first.  Then set the other values.

The current values for partitions h are:

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
h: 1148      5001      6148     unused

                        Change what?

                        a: FS kind
                       >b: Offset/size
                        c: Bsize/Fsize
                        d: Mount point
                        e: Preserve
                        x: Exit
予定通り。h も終わり。x: Exit
We now have your BSD-disklabel partitions as (Size and Offset in MB):

   Size      Offset    End       FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount Point
   --------- --------- --------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
a: 32        0         31        4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /
b: 768       32        800       swap
c: 6149      0         6148      unused
d: 0         0         0         unused
e: 0         0         0         unused
f: 0         0         0         unused
g: 4200      801       5000      4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /usr
h: 1148      5001      6148      unused
i: 0         0         0         unused               a: Change a
j: 0         0         0         unused               b: Change b
k: 0         0         0         unused               c: Whole disk - can't change
l: 0         0         0         unused               d: Change d
m: 0         0         0         unused               e: Change e
m: 0         0         0         unused               f: Change f
o: 0         0         0         unused               g: Change g
p: 0         0         0         unused               h: Change h
                                                      i: Set new allocation size
                                                      x: Exit
いいでしょう。x: Exit
We now have your BSD-disklabel partitions as (Size and Offset in MB):

   Size      Offset    End      FStype Bsize Fsize Preserve Mount point
   --------- --------- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----------
a: 32        0         31       4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /
b: 768       32        800      swap
c: 6149      0         6148     unused
g: 5348      801       6148     4.2BSD 8192  1024  No       /usr

                        Partitions ok?

                       >a: Change partitions
                        b: Paritions are ok
いいはず。お勧めのパーティションカットを修正しただけなんだから、いいだろう。 ダメでも、やり直せるし。ってほんとだろうか? b: Paritions are ok
Please enter a name for your NetBSD disk [mydisk]: ■
Ok, we are now ready to install NetBSD on your hard disk (wd0).  Nothing has been
written yet.  This is your last chance to quit this process before anything gets

Shall we continue?

                        yes or no?

                       >a: No
                        b: Yes
決意が鈍る。インストールカーネルそのものがいるディスクをフォーマットできるんだろうか? でも、b: Yes


Okay, the first part of the procedure is finished.  Sysinst has written a disklabel
to the target disk, and newfs'ed and fsck'ed the new partitions you specified for the
target disk.

The next step is to fetch and unpack the distribution filesets.  Press <return> to proceed.
The NetBSD distribution is broken into a collection of distribution sets.  There are some
basic sets that are needed by all installations and there are some other sets that are not
needed by all installations.  You may choose to install all of them <Full installation> or
you select from the optional destribution sets.

                        Select your distribution

                       >a: Full installation
                        b: Custom installation
む。ココは一つ、a: Full installationで。
During the extraction process, do you want to see the file names as each file is extracted?

                        yes or no?

                       >a: No
                        b: Yes
多いんだろうなあ。やめとこう。a: No
Your disk is now ready for installing the kernel and the distribution sets.  As noted in your
INSTALL notes, you have several options.  For ftp or nfs, you must be connected to a network
with access to the proper machines.  If you are not ready to complete the installation at this
time, you may select "none" and you will be returned to the main menu.  When you are ready at
a later time, you may select "upgrade" from the main menu to complete the installation.

                        Select medium

                       >a: ftp
                        b: nfs
                        c: cdrom
                        d: floppy
                        e: unmounted fs
                        f: local dir
                        g: none
CD だ。でも、ココで、とりあえずおいとくという手もある。もう 12:00 回ってしまった。 でも、c: cdrom
Enter the CDROM device to be used and directory on the CDROM where the distribution is located.
Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files.

device:         cd0 directory:  /macppc/binary/sets


                       >a: Device
                        b: Directory
                        c: Continue
表示しているのでいい気がする。よって、c: Continue

CD が反応した。表示もそこそこな表示が出ている。いい感じ。


All selected distribution sets are unpacked successfully.

                        Hit enter the continue

                       >a: ok
a: ok しかないし。
Making device files...
The extraction of the selected sets for NetBSD-1.6 is complete.  The system
is now able to boot from the selected harddisk.  To complete the installation,
sysinst will give you the opportunity to configure some essential things first.

                        Hit enter the continue

                       >a: ok
何かの設定をしたいらしい。a: ok
Please choose the timezone that fits you best from the list below.  Press
RETURN select an entry.  Press 'x' followed by RETURN to quit the timezone

Default:        UTC
Selected:       UTC
Local time:     Tue Nov  19 00:19:44 2002 UTC

                         <: page up, >: page down
「>」を押して、スクロールさせる。[SHIFT]キーを押すこと。 Asia/Tokyo を見つけたので、そこで、RETURN。 すごく、Local time がずらされてしまった。とりあえず、よしとしよう。x
Please choose the password cipher to use.  NetBSD can be configured to use
either the DES or MD5 schemes.

The traditional DES scheme is compatible with most other Unix-like operating
systems, but only the first 8 characters of any password will be recognized.
The MD5 scheme allows for longer passwords, and some would argue that it's
more secure.

If you have a network and intend to use NIS, please bear in mind the capabilities
of other machines on your network.

If you are upgrading and would like to keep configuration unchanged, choose the
last option "do not change".

                        Password cipher

                       >a: DES
                        b: MD5
                        c: do not change
そんなコトいわれても、8文字以上のパスワード使うつもりないしな。a: DES
The root password of the newly intalled system has not yet been initialized, and
is thus empty.  Do you want to set a root password for the system now?

                        yes or no?

                       >a: Yes
                        b: No
忘れそうなので、a: Yes
   Status: Runnning
  Command: passwd -l root
Changeing local password for root.
New password:■
Changeing local password for root.
New password:■
Please don't use all-lower case password.
Unusual capitalization, control characters or digits are suggested.
New password:■
う。入れなおしか。大文字なんて混ぜたら、忘れてしまう。 どうせしばらくは、ネットワークなんてつながらないのに。
The installation of NetBSD-1.6 is now complete.  The system should boot
from hard disk.  Follow the instructions in the INSTALL document about
final configuration of your system.

At a minimum, you should edit /etc/rc.conf tom match your needs. See
/etc/defaults/rc.conf for the default values.

                        Hit enter to continue

                       >a: ok
やっと終わった。けど、かなり早い。a: ok
Welcome to sysinst, the NetBSD-1.6 system installation tool.  This menu-driven
tool is designed to help you install NetBSD to a hard disk, or upgrade an
existing NetBSD system, with a minimum work.  In the following menus, you
may change the current selection by either typing the refernce letter
(a, b, c, ...).  Arrow keys may also work.  you activate the current selection
from the menu by typing the enter key.

If you booted from a floppy, you may now remove the disk.

Thank you for using NetBSD!

                NetBSD-1.6 Install System

               >a: Install NetBSD to hard disk
                b: Upgrade NetBSD on a hard disk
                c: Re-install sets or install additional sets
                d: Reboot the computer
                e: Utility menu
                x: Exit Install System


After all the files have been unpacked, go back to the main menu and select reboot.
ということなので、d: Reboot the computer

再起動はしたが、もう、MacOS はいなくなっている。 MacOS のインストールもしたいし、なにより、NetBSD を立ち上げてみたいが、 我慢して、今日はココまで。

0 > shut-down